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Adani Management Development Centre

Our Focus Area

  • Build talent from within through an employee-centric & inclusive approach to define the business outcomes, design the program for complete experience, deliver for transfer and application of learning on the job with proper follow through and measurement of learning effectiveness.
  • Implement leading-edge best practices and innovative technology solutions to enhance and build capabilities on a continuous basis for organizational growth and sustainability
  • Top Team/APEX Development
  • Senior Leadership Development
  • High Potential Leadership Development
  • Adani Business Leadership Program
  • Adani Emerging Leadership Program
  • Young Professionals Leadership Program: feeding into Top 100
  • New Experienced Hire Program: for better Transition, Assimilation & Alignment
  • Behavioral Competency Development
  • Technical/Functional Competency Development

Facilities at AMDC

AMDC offers world-class facilities to deliver learning & development programmes to employees throughout the year. The residential facility is equipped and well-connected to ensure comfort and ambient learning environment to Learners. It has various recreational facilities and modes to rejuvenate body and mind.


We also use e-learning platform “eVidyalaya” to support and reinforce learning within diverse businesses and locations of the Group. eVidyalaya ensures that learning at Adani is not bound by time or place, and it becomes a convenient and effective learning experience for you. eVidyalaya combines a variety of rich media and interactivity – audio, video, quizzes, and simulations along with follow through exercises for on the job application – that will enhance learning retention; ensure a stronger grasp of the topics; and strengthen employee capabilities.

Learning Resource Centre

The AMDC Library AMDC plays a key role as a valuable knowledge resource to both its in-house faculty-members and the executives who attend training programmes at AMDC from across the Adani and its various Group companies with a rich collection of books, e-books, Journals on almost all the core areas of business practice and other areas.